Friday, August 1, 2014

The beginning

The ability to change and accept change, begins when we confront our fears; our fears of failing and the fear of treading into the unknown. We must have confidence in our abilities to know that for something greater to come, we must explore the unknown.  We must take that leap of faith regardless of our support network.  Yes, it's true that life is easier when we are graced with others to rely on physically, mentally/emotionally, and financially, but  what must happen prior to that creation, is we must support ourselves.  We must build ourselves up as people, not tear ourselves apart.  Trust me, I've done it for years, but when we take a positive spin to anything, life becomes easier. 

When we focus on traits we like, we outshine those we least like.  We become easier on ourselves and in doing so we are able to pick out the positives in the world around us, in others, in our scenery, in all aspects.  If we, as people, can change our way of thinking, this fundamental way of processing that's instilled in us from the very moment we are created, we are able to see life in a whole new aspect.  (I'll touch on this many times, eventually diving deeper into that topic).  

So when we are able to trust that we indeed, can, and will succeed and have that confidence in ourselves, we are better equipped to take that leap of faith.  To many individuals, far to often, do not give themselves a chance to even try something new.  We become too afraid to change careers, to afraid to set off on a spontaneous trip somewhere, to afraid to jump into what is yet to be.  There are times in life when we must let go, just let go of the control we crave to have over aspects of things that we are unable to control!  When we let go of this, we also let go of our expectations.  When we let go of our expectations we decrease our fears (for example: of not succeeding or feeling inadequate) and when we decrease our fears we allow ourselves a chance.  A chance for hope to step into something greater yet to come and taking the leap of faith into the unknown.  

These challenges are no easy task.  It takes time and energy.  It takes focus, the ability to trust time while we cognitively focus on shifting our vision from negative aspects to seeing at least one positive.  In something as simple as reflecting on the day and picking out one highlight, one great thing from your day, before going to sleep.  Doing something as simple as that, sets the wheels into motion to change the way in which we process and mentally handle situations.  

The ability to change begins in many different ways, but in every way, I hope you give change a chance.  (Even if it's changing your shade of shoes!)