Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Well hello there, 

I'm excited to start having many different dialogues with so many people.  I firmly believe in social learning, and together I think we'll be able to learn so much more than one could ever learn alone.  I want to make this as interactive as possible, but note that negative actions and malicious intentions will not be tolerated.  My words are meant to lift people up, not tear them down.  As we are all different, I too am sure, I have a different way of saying actions or feelings that are translatable to a magnitude of different events, actions, etc.  I hope that you enjoy what you read, feel engaged to have stimulating dialogue around the topics and find the relatable subjects and translate these words into resounding meanings. 

My hope is to share as much as I can to help build up others, to help broaden spectrums, and recognize the barriers that exist externally and internally that prevent us from essentially, giving hope a chance.  Hope is foundational. May we never lose hope!  

Just as Harvey Milk stated, "You gotta give them hope."  

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